Amy's Kitchen

Amy’s fine pre-made meals are made from the best organic ingredients and prepared like a home cooked meal to insure you receive the best tasting health food for mind and body.
Amy's Kitchen is a family business started in 1987, when Amy, the daughter of founders Rachel and Andy Berliner was born. What makes Amy’s products so good is that they start out with the freshest, organic vegetables they can find. They purchase high quality pastas, grains, beans and if a recipe does contain cow’s milk, the milk is hormone free dairy from cows that are pasture raised.
Everyone of Amy’s products is made by hand and all the ingredients of a dish is cooked slowly until they reach their fullest flavor. Think of each packaged product as your very own place settings, completely arranged and designed by Rachel. At Amy’s, even the tofu, which is the primary ingredient in many of their dishes, is made from scratch. To make the best tasting tofu, they adopted methods from trained tofu makers who learned the traditional methods that haven’t changed for over a millennium. The production team at Amy’s has been called “tofu artisans.” Each batch is hand crafted from the slow stirring of soymilk into curds, to the pressing and soaking of the finished product.
Because most people today do not have the luxury to grow their own fruits and vegetable, at Amy’s they make sure that the fruits and vegetables used in their products are produced by local growers that are within 200 miles of Amy’s production facility, which is nestled into one of the world’s premier growing regions – Salina Valley and the great San Joaquin Valley. Rachel and Andy personally know most of their growers by name.
When you eat an Amy’s dish, consider yourself as a guest in Amy’s kitchen where full attention is given to every detail of your meal.