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Conference & Expo Schedule

The 10 Laws of Health Conference  features health lectures by world renowned physicians and medical professionals with years of experience helping patients reverse a variety of lifestyle related diseases by following a plant-based diet and healthy lifestyle habits.  During the conference you will learn about the scientifically-supported program - called T.H.E. T.E.N. L.A.W.S - that for decades has improved the health and well-being of thousands.  Finally, you will also experience 3 great tasting plant-based meals and sample various organic and non-GMO plant-based meat and junk food replacers. Due to Covid, we are now planning VIRTUAL Conferences for 2022. Contact us to schedule a program for your bar association.

Conference Theme: 

The Real Health Crimes - Are You Breaking the Laws of Your Being?



See Sample Virtual Conference Schedule Below.

10 Laws of Health Conference

8:00a.m – 9:00a.m - Healthy Breakfast & Morning Reception (Plant-Based Meals will be delivered to each attendee for the Virtual Conference)

Session Description

Session title:  "The Criminal Mind - How we break the laws of our being and how obeying the laws can reverse degenerative diseases and optimize your brain for peak performance."

Session Overview

  • just as law breakers go to jail and receive a fine- there are lifestyles that break the laws of health that result in deadly consequences;
  • what are the laws of health - overview;
  • top health risks for lawyers;
  • the over worked and over taxed mind;
  • the undiagnosed disease - the sense of dis - ease

Session Description

Session Title: "The Smoking Fork"  -  Forks can be lethal weapons that can kill if they are not used properly. This session will focus on the medical data that support a plant-based diet as the best diet to reverse diabetes and reduce lifestyle inflected degenerative disease. 

Session Overview

  • let food be your medicine - learn the research on how a plant based foods can reverse type 2 diabetes, lower cholesterol, high blood pressure and reverse heart disease naturally;
  • the truth about auto-immune diseases and digestion;
  • nutrient load and the healing of auto-immune diseases
  • inflammatory foods and auto-immune diseases - why gluten free
  • learn how medications that treat chronic diseases and ischemic heart disease can be reduced naturally; and
  • diet gene therapy

Session Description

Session Title:  WWD Offenses - Working While Dehydrated -  The Law of Water - How the beverage of choice can relieve many illnesses. We are what we drink!   Learn simple hydrotherapy remedies!  

Session Overview

  • the Hydrologic Cycle and the necessity of water for the earth and the body;
  • euhydration v. dehydration - What's the difference;
  • understanding TBW total body water and the regulation of hydration;;
  • defective neurotransmitters and dehydration related illnesses
  • not all water is equal
  • how hydrotherapy can relieve symptom associated with headaches, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, gastroenteritis, constipation and more


Lunch Time Special

Session Description

Session Title:  Unarmed Robbery!  Sleep deprivation and the brain. The law of the circadian rhythm and its affect on immune function, psychologic and emotional function.  Learn how youcan sleep away fat! An estimated 50-70 million US adults have sleep or wakefulness disorder. Persons experiencing sleep insufficiency are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity, as well as from cancer, increased mortality, and reduced quality of life and productivity.

Session Overview

  • insufficient sleep Is a Public Health Epidemic;
  • sleep and the brain  - the law of the circadian rhythm and the science of the 7-day cycle
  • sleep deprivation and disease;
  • optimizing brain wellness
  • caffeine & memory
  • first signs of senility
  • blocking brain toxins naturally
  • sleep hygiene tips for lawyers -how to keep the mind sharp, alert and focused
  • learn how you can sleep off fat

Session Description

Session Title: The West-side Strangler - Murder by Suffocation - lack of exercise and poor oxygenation of the body can cause disease  - learn simple methods on how to incorporate exercise into your busy life and reverse heart disease and respiratory diseases.

Session Overview

  • the law of exercise and over all health;
  • exercise and blood sugar;
  • how exercise can assist in the reversal of diabetes and heart disease;
  • signs & symptoms of low oxygen saturation;
  • reversing accelerated aging
  • predetermination or determination?
  • changing exercise habits joyfully 

Session Description

Session Title:  Accomplice Liability and The Great Conspiracy.   How bacteria, fungus and parasites aid and abet in the death of the cell. Do you suffer from unexplained fatigue, headaches, musle pain and spasms, intermitant nausea or vomiting, stomach pain, swelling, teeth grinding, memory loss, rash or rectal bleeding and your doctor has no explaination, except to give you a pill that does not work?  Humans are hosts to nearly 300 species of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa, many derived from the animals we have domesticated or eat.  Learn how to relieve the symptoms of parasite infections naturally.

Session Overview

  • Understanding the nature of parasites and how they hide your body;
  • symptoms of parasite infections -
  • learn the research that reveals a  link between parasites and schizophrenia and depression;
  • learn how to reduce your risks of parasite related illnesses

Session Description

Session Title: Manslaughter By Another Name - How Stress, Anger & Lack of Trust Can Kill Heart disease is the number one killer of lawyers. Why? Stress increases the risk of heart disease.  In this session you will learn natural methods for relieving and managing stress and associated physical and emotional symptoms. 

Session Overview

  • do you suffer from any one or a combination of dizziness, general aches and pains, teeth grinding, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, racing heart, ringing in the ears, stooped posture, sweaty palms, upset stomach, trembling? It could all be related to stress;
  • the frontal lobe and emotional intelligence;
  • nutrition and the brain - learn the foods that can help to reduce stress
  • effective medication withdrawal;
  • natural remedies for stress reduction and that improve frontal lobe function
  • how to recover from stress, depression and anxiety naturally

Session Description

Session Title:  Vitamine "D" Deficiency - A Misdemeanor That Can Turn Into A Felony Learn how you can reverse Vitamin "D" deficiencies naturally and relieve the symptoms associated with osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, type 2 diabetes, allergies, depression, cholesterol problems, and certain cancers?

Sessioin Overview

  • why does the body need vitamin D and how this simple deficiency can become life threatening
  • learn how vitamin D deficiencies contribute to weight gain and how increasing it can help to reduce weight naturally
  • learn how to increase vitamin D levels naturally
  • learn the link between Chohn's and celiac disease and vitmanin D deficiencies and other illnesses;
  • plant based foods that naturally contain vitamin D
  • learn the research regarding  the link between vitamin D and prevention of cancer
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.


Dinner Reception Special

Session Description

Mauris laoreet arcu tortor. Fusce neque felis, bibendum vel lacinia et, eleifend ut tortor. Sed imperdiet, purus porttitor vestibulum lobortis, lorem nunc adipiscing ipsum, at ullamcorper sem odio a tellus. Mauris a luctus nunc. Maecenas at nisl leo. Sed sed nisl a ligula eleifend posuere ut nec sapien. Proin tempor neque mi. Duis pretium dignissim elit nec feugiat. Morbi non orci felis. Nam vitae metus a orci iaculis facilisis.

Session Overview

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.


Smart Food Taster Schedule:

Sunday & Monday -  10:00a.m -5:30p.m

Session Description

Every 15 minutes starting at 10:0.m. the health food manufacturers will provide a 30 minute discussion regarding the health benefits of their products and the technology behind the development of their organically grown and non-GMO brands.

Session Overview

Session Topic

Is it really organic?  How does the USDA regulate the organic industry? What are the regulatory guidlines? How does the USDA prosecute violations? What are the new rules regarding labeling of gluten free and the results of the USDA study regarding gluten free.  (up to 1 CLE credit)

Session Overview

Session Description

Session Overview

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.


Smart Food Taster & CLE Series

Session Description

Enjoy the Free Smart Food Fest taster stations that will surround the exhibit hall Where you can sample the best organic and/Or NON-GMO plant-based foods for breakfast, Lunch or supper. The taster stations will available Throughout the day during the Sunday and Monday lectures.



Monday - Smart Food Fest Schedule




Session Topic

Is it really organic?  How does the USDA regulate the organic industry? What are the regulatory guidlines? How does the USDA prosecute violations? What are the new rules regarding labeling of gluten free and the results of the USDA study regarding gluten free.  (up to 1 CLE credit)

Session Overview

Session Description

Session Overview

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.

Session Description

Session Overview

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.

Session Description

Session Overview

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.